Seasonal Shops

The most shops that excist have a collection for a longer period. Every half a year or so, or even a whole year, they change the collection. Not diverce at all. But in this diverce world, we are hungry for new concepts.
BE the store Mindsets are changing. We are looking for the feeling behind a product again, the Authenticity, aren't you? Because of this, stores with a new approach have grown in the shopping districts. In the news paper I found an artikel about Briany Days, a little store in ‘De 9 straatjes’ in Amsterdam. This is not a typical store. It responds to this trend of preception of the product above the product itself.
Blogging, collecting
Just posting everthing that inspired her, Vera de Ruijter has started Brainy Days after two and a half years of blogging. And in those years Vera had collected lots of fun ideas, before she desided to start with the store.

Think, Collect, Create
Her concept is all about bringing people and brands together. Upcoming lifestyle brands are combined in the store. Normally, the articels in stocks are mostly the same troughout the year. Only a few details change in generally. Brainy Days on the other hand, will show us a new theme of products, every three months. This to surprise the customers and to stay updated.

Enjoy your rainy days
At the moment, you will find autum like products, like cool little blankets to keep warm. But also big mugs for having an Apple Cider. It all floats around the “Enjoy your rainy days” theme. All these products, in their use and style, create this topic. And so it goes with the following ones.
Shop innovation
The static shops have lost ground. Their storage is pretty much the same all year. But I'm looking for a sense of believing. And so many people besides me. We want to ‘taste’ the product. Due to this, Brainy Days like shops will grow in numbers. People will find the product they need at the moment, to eas their life at that exact moment. Because of this, people don't have to search for the little things anymore, Brainy days selects them for us.
When you are reading newspapers, you will find lots of interesting things as you see. More information about this little store, just buy the Brabants Dagblad. But the site is more clear. Go to to look at the full picture.