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The Mood That Sets The Route

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If you ask me to join a visit to the museum, I propably would not be very excited. I'm just not so overwelmed by cultural stuff. That is just part of the 21st century culture. Back in the days, a trip to the museum was a common leisure activity. It isn't anymore. Innovation is needed. The Mood App is that innovation, that will be the tipping point.

A cultural app

For the past years, museums have had a hard time attracting the younger people. The Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam was hoping to reach the tipping point. The turn around. Therefore, Olmo Garcia Koel created the Museum Mood App.


Create your way

It is an app, especially made for me and you. We can create a museum route by reveiling our mood. Are you scared, sad, in love, cheerful, brackish or in a mysterious mood? The app will make a route along pieces of art that fit your current mood. The audio will tell something about this pieces in a fast but educative way. Voices of young employees of the Stedelijk museum are represented on the audio. So it is easy the follow for the youth.


Museums apps have exsisted for quit some time now. Applications in general are nothing new. But an app that makes your route though, has never been excisting till now. The fact that it runs on people’s mood is also innovative. It is floating on the trend ‘Virtual Co-creation', where costumers are part of the concept and create the concept along with the its creators.

Returning interests

The society more and more tends to go back to experience of product and services. It is getting more important again. You and I are living in a Experience Economy at the moment. Devices that work close to someons feeling, therefore will be a succes. So it has a huge growth potential. Besides that, it will improve the Quality of Life under the young stream of people. They will be expanding their cultural knowledge again, in a fun and fitting way. The information will stick in the heads better.

Installing this app, will give you a fun trip on the route through a museum. It is all measured following your Mood, your interests at the moment. It will attract the generation Y (you and me) to the museum once more. Cultural sightseeing is going to be fun again. I have been a cultural wrack, but the app has pulled me in the good direction. Most likely you will see me walking around in a museum near, if the app is introduced there!


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