Changing meat labels
If I would walk down the halls of a supermarket these days and I would take a random product, I would be overloaded with information. The label is almost too small for all the ingredients and manners to cook, shown on it. But apparently we people need to know much more (even if we are in a transparent society right now…)
An 'origin label'
In any case, the European parliament wants to have an ‘origin label’ on every piece of meat that enters the supermarkets. Where is the meat coming from? How is it produced? And in this way the European government wants to fulfill people their desire to know exactly where their meat is coming from.
Have they lived a good life?
The funny thing is that people are against this new rule. They are not that much interested in where the animals have been hanging around all their lives. Consumers are more interested in knowing if their piece of meat had lived a good life before it arrived in the supermarkets. I can also find myself in this. I have been aware of animal abuse and environmental abuse and that kind of things all my life. I’m realizing that we have to be fair to our means of living (like meat and environment). Eggs are a common example. On the egg packages we humans are informed about the chickens’ life`s. Have they lived in a small cage? Or have they been wandering on a big piece of land?
Transparency upgrade
This is an upgrade above the product transparency that we are in now. There is already so much information about it. Too much to read when you’re doing a fast run through a supermarket. But still I think this is thé information that we humans need right now. The need to know if our meat has had a good life. And knowing this will lift up our quality of life. If one can experience values, they will feel more complete.
Don't believe it
We assign more and more standard and values on what we eat. For producers it is necessary to take these needs serious. We don’t believe what we hear and see blindly anymore. Knowing, that’s the standard right. I think other branches will take over this trend.