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The Darknet


At the moment we live in a society which is surrounded by transparency. At least we humans know more about everything than any time before. But do we actually…? Because I remember the horse meat scandal that had been all over the news a few years ago. Till that moment I had believed what they said was in our meat was true. I know better now.

News like this brings us one step closer to a more transparent society than we already have.

Behind the scenes

I found an article that shows us the dark side of our web. The Darknet. This is a place where pornographic image are exchanged and LSD and XTC are traded with bitcoins. It is a world far behind the search machines on google. People are able to do illegal activities here. And it is hard for the government to track these people. No one knows since when this Darknet has been running.

More privacy

The Darknet used to be a wall for people. One had to know someone to become part of it. Or you had to be a smart wiskid so you could understand what the computer language stood for. It has always been thé place for humans who have a desire to minimalize their traceability. But now more than ever. Because of the transparency, people grow a desire to private their lives more.

Under the Light

But times have changed. The darknet is more open for us than ever. Webbrowser are made especially for stepping into darknet sites. Those browsers puzzle out the Tor-encryption that has been the barrier all these years. A cool step against the underworld. Since this study I’m realizing that we all think we know everything, but we actually do not!

Knowing everything

These webbrowser are a true innovation because they can also be used from our mobile phones. So we can enter sites like Pandora and Agora, which were untraceable before, with an IPhone in our hands. To know more, we need more developments on transparency like this. They trade up our quality of life. When one lives with the idea of knowing everything, not being fooled by the internet, they will live with a peace of mind more.

Find out any information about the darknet here.

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